Understanding the importance of consistency, Erebus Motorsport’s Will Brown and Brodie Kostecki head into the Darwin Triple Crown hopeful to make some Championship gains.

With only two points separating both Erebus rookies from the preceding position, the pair are positive about a potential points haul despite neither having raced at Hidden Valley before.

Finding himself already inside the top ten, Kostecki understands the importance of consistent results in order to maintain and build on his position.

“Regularly finishing inside the top ten is definitely important,” he said.

“Making sure we’re staying focused and only focusing on what we’re doing, not what others are doing.

“We’ve had some pretty decent finishes this year and I think we’re getting closer to knocking on the door of the top five consistently.

“If we can achieve that over the next couple of rounds, that would be quite exciting.”

While Brown has had moments inside the top ten, he currently sits 14th in the standings and recognises the importance of teamwork.

“It’s about minimising mistakes across the board. That’s the best way to stay consistent,” Brown said.

“With a combination of good pit stops, a good car and me driving well, I believe we can get into the top ten.

“There’s definitely potential to move up at Darwin but it’s also something that we will continue working at over the next few rounds.”

With Winton postponed, Darwin will mark the debut of the Dunlop Super Soft tyres, which is something both drivers are eager to get into.

“The Super Soft tyres are actually something I am really looking forward to trying,” Kostecki said.

“When you ask a racer if they want more grip, they’re always going to say yes, so I’m quite looking forward to that and excited to see how the tyre degradation goes as well.”

Both drivers agree that the introduction of the grippier though less durable rubber is unlikely to impact their performance, as it could be a leveller for the entire field.

“I don’t think the super softs will be too big of a drama for me or Brodie,” Brown said.

“We’re not really accustomed to the soft tyre after four rounds anyway, we just drive it to the grip so it’ll be great for us to have the super soft.”

The Erebus duo will hit the track for the Darwin Triple Crown, June 18-20.